Reasons Why you should not judge people based on first impressions - Johnny Drille

Popular singer-songwriter, Johnny Drille has shared his personal opinion on the inappropriateness of making snap judgements on others.

First impressions can be misleading and only provide a superficial snapshot of who someone really is. They don't reveal deeper character. People may display certain traits when you first meet them due to shyness, nerves, exterior pressures. Their true self emerges later. 

Judging someone too fast can close you off to meaningful relationships and understanding if you dismiss them outright initially.

By getting to know people over time, you see sides to them you'd miss in brief encounters. Their complexity emerges.

Assuming the worst about people from the start can become a self-fulfilling prophecy if it makes you treat them in a closed off manner.

Be open to being surprised by people as you spend more time together and learn their fuller stories.

Drille advises giving people "time to unravel themselves" before making judgments about who they are or can become.

Approach new people with an open mind and heart to allow organic connection. Don't let first impressions harden into fixed opinions.

musician Johnny Drille advocates looking deeper than superficial first takes and allowing people's fuller essence to reveal itself in order to avoid misjudging character.

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'Why you shouldn't judge people based on first impressions' - Johnny Drille


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